Make a donation

Over the last twelve years, our community workshops have helped more than 1200 people to maintain their bikes. We've refurbished over 900 bikes, saving them from going into the waste stream and providing a vital means of transport and independence to vulnerable members of the community. Your donation helps us support even more people to repair, reuse and ride.

Each week we rehome up to 10 unwanted bicycles…

…with people who really need access to affordable transport, including refugees and asylum seekers, those with long term health problems, ex-offenders and people on substance abuse recovery schemes.

We receive generous donations of bicycles from individuals and organisations each month, but we don’t just hand them straight out. We give each bike a thorough refurb, replacing worn parts with new components to make sure they’re in tip-top riding condition.

We also want to make sure we offer an educational and empowering experience, which has a lasting impact on the lives of all those involved. That’s why, rather than simply offering a charitable hand-out, each person who receives a bike from us takes part in a free maintenance workshop to learn mechanics skills.

But their involvement with us doesn’t stop there. Anyone who has ‘earned’ a bike from HBP has ongoing access to our free weekly repair workshops so they can keep their bikes rolling smoothly and build their mechanics skills too.

We think all this is vital for our community, but it does cost money, which is why we need your support.

A one off donation can make a signifiant difference to our work and any gift, no matter how small is greatly appreciated. Please use the donation box on this page to make a secure donation to the project. 

Donate to Hastings Bike Project

Support us with a regular donation

One-off donations are always gratefully received, but if you are able to support us with a regular monthly donation, it really helps us to plan for the longer term and build a more resilient organisation which in turn helps us to support even more people.

For just £10 a month you can help us to deliver community bike workshops and get more bicycles to people who really need them. In return, we'll help you keep yours rolling smoothly with 1 free service a year!

Find out more about becoming a supporter here. 


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