Bike Kitchen – Kids

KIDS Bike Kitchen Our weekly free community bike workshop for under 18s runs every Wednesday evening from 4pm to 6pm at our base on the seafront opposite Warrior Square.  How it works…A bike kitchen is a learn to fix session, designed to help empower you to develop basic bike maintenance skills and keep your bike safe and functional. We have … Read More

Bike Kitchen – Adults

Adults Bike Kitchen Our weekly free community bike workshop runs every Thursday evening from 4pm to 6pm at our base on the seafront opposite Warrior Square.  How it works…A bike kitchen is a learn to fix session, designed to help empower you to develop basic bike maintenance skills and keep your bike safe and functional. We have a fully equipped … Read More

Bottle Alley Bike Bomb

A slightly anarchic head-to-head community bike race along the iconic Bottle Alley from Hastings Pier, which was was run between 2014 and 2017, coordinated primarily by Andy from High Tide Cycles.  If you’re interested in helping to get this legendary event up and running again, please get in touch. Check out a video and some snaps from previous events.2017201620152014

Earn a Bike

DO YOU WANT TO GET ACTIVE? WOULD YOU BENEFIT FROM ACCESS TO AFFORDABLE AND SUSTAINABLE TRANSPORT? COME AND ‘EARN-A-BIKE’ FROM US! HERE’S HOW IT WORKS You book a two hour session at Hastings Bike Project where you will work with one of our coordinators or volunteers for up to two hours to refurbish a donated bike, learning basic maintenance skills … Read More

Low Tide Beach Races

For some reason, probably something to do with High Tide Cycles (RIP), there is a tradition of racing beat up bikes on the beach at low tide. Join our mailing list to find out when the next idiosyncratically scheduled race will happen…  – THE RULES –  £5 in the cup to enter, winner takes all No motors No SPDS/Clips – flat … Read More


In 2020-2021 Hastings Bike Project was provided with funding by Cycling UK,  The Foreshore Trust, Sustrans, Hastings Voluntary Action and The Police Property Act Fund to renovate bikes in our workshop, and made them available for free to local key workers. We built and refurbished strong practical bikes that are useful for taking exercise on, collecting shopping and commuting. See … Read More