Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions

By taking part in any of The Hastings Bike Project workshops or services, you are agreeing to abide by our Safer Space policy – see below.

Bike kitchens are run along DIY and Doing-It-Together methods. By coming to these workshops you are agreeing to fix your own bike, get your hands dirty and to take responsibility for any work done and any associated risks. Some of our workshops have volunteers who can help you fix your own bike, but please be aware that these are skill-share workshops and not all our volunteers are skilled mechanics. If you are unsure about anything ask the coordinator at the session.

Our Safer Space Policy

The Hastings Bike Project is a space for learning, skill-sharing and empowering yourself and others around you. Our workshop is an inclusive, safe space for all, where everyone will be treated with equal respect. We require that all people entering this space respect this and treat each other accordingly.

We will not tolerate any form of discrimination, or any behaviour which makes other people feel excluded, vulnerable or threatened. This includes, but is not limited to, discrimination based on race, age, gender, sexuality, faith, disability, and social background. If we have areas of disagreement lets come together over bikes.

We reserve the right not to work with anyone who acts in a threatening way or we believe to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs. No judgement but the safety and well being of everyone is priority.

If you encounter such behaviour, please speak up! It is everyone’s responsibility to keep this space safe and welcoming to all. If you don’t feel comfortable challenging certain behaviour, ask the Workshop Coordinator.

You may be asked to leave the premises if you don't help by following the guidelines and it is felt that you are violating this safe space.

The workshop is also a no swearing zone. It's hard sometimes but let's try.

Health and safety policy

In case of a fire: ring the bell hanging by the hand wash sink and evacuate. Do not fight the fire unless you are trained to do so. Our Assembly Point is outside on the beach directly opposite. Do not return to building until you are given the all clear to do so by a member of staff or fire brigade. 

First aid kit: Should you happen to have an injury whilst in the workshop, please inform one of the workshop coordinators who will direct you towards the first aid kit. The kit is on the shelf above hand wash sink. Also make a note of it in our accident book (underneath the first aid kit). In case of serious accident, the nearest A&E is the Conquest Hospital on the Ridge. 

Hazardous substances: Oils, and cleaning fluids may cause skin cracking after prolonged exposure. Gloves and aprons are available. Do not use any substance without guiandance in their use from Workshop Coordinators.

Hand tools: The tools are here to be used by all. However, if you are unfamiliar with any of the tools and the way in which they are used, you must ask for assistance. Misuse of these tools can result in possible injury and damage to the tools. 

Slipping tools: Injury can easily occur when tools slip. Always make sure that tools are firmly in place before applying force. If a part that you wish to remove seems to be seized, ask the Workshop Coordinator before risking injury or damaging the tools. 

Using the work stand: Injury can occur if bikes are not correctly and firmly placed in the workstand. If clamping by the frame, make sure the frame has standard round tubing. If using the seatpost, make sure the seatpost clamp is tight. Make sure the stand clamp is as tight as you can make it. 

Power tools: electric drills, grinder, welder, etc, and blowtorch MUST NOT be used without authorised supervision and proper personal protective equipment. Please ask the workshop coordinator if you need to use these. 

Slips, trips and falls: Please ensure that walkways are kept free of obstructions (boxes, bike parts etc) at all times.  Please ensure that all spilt liquids are cleaned up immediately. 

Wear appropriate footwear: Open sandals and flip-flops are not permitted in the workshop. 

Manual Handling: There should be no need to lift heavy items in the workshop. Please only lift items which are within your capability and always ask for help if you feel unsure whether you can lift something easily. 

Excess noise and attention: If you have to make or receive a phone call please take it outside to keep the noise levels to a minimum.

Name Badge and work aprons: Please write your name on a strip of masking tape to stick on your apron, so we all know who’s who. 

Workshop Waiver

HBP Workshop Waiver